Wednesday, January 16, 2008

After reading Oedipus Rex...

After reading Oedipus Rex I walked away confused. In the class discussion the question was "Should I want to know my fate, or would it be wrong to choose not to?" I stood by what I believed was ethical and responsible; however, everyone had a different argument. In the end my decision was dependant on the given circumstances. Oedipus followed the prophecy, by killing his father and marrying and having children with the king's wife, who was also his mother. I stand by my opinion that he was wrong and it was responsible of him, especially due to the role that he played, to find out the truth. The story sparked deep thought, and the analysis went beyond the surface to various different things.

Important Words of Wisdom

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. " Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Important words of wisdom

"You are responsible for what you are doing and experiencing now, therefore you are responsible for the destiny you will experience in the future." You Have Chosen to Remeber, by James Cisneros